Today we went out on a hunt with a team of 5 people, Andrew, Laura, Helena, Collete (on her 1st hunt) and myself.
We came into the presence of God and got our clues - Even as we were sharing our Locations, Names, Appearance, Needs & Unusuals it was apparent that something great was going to happen as we had so many similarities!
We headed off to the TESCO in Chatham. On the way there we saw a man carrying a BIG POLE and as soon as we pulled into the car park we noticed there was a GREEN FROG in the car in front. I approached the man and his partner (she had PURPLE HAIR and we spoke with them). It transpired that his RABBIT had died 2 days ago! - They were very open but didn't want prayer so we blessed them and moved on.
We split into 2 teams - Helena & myself in one and Andrew, Laura & Collete in another.
Here is what happened with our team:
- Approached a man WITH GLASSES who was sitting on a BENCH that was near a big ornamental CIRCLE and was also UNDER A TREE. His partner is in need of a new job (FINANCES) as they are looking into buying their 1st place together. We said we would pray for them!
- As we walked down BUSY HIGH STREET in Chatham we saw a man sitting on a BENCH his daughter had BRIGHT YELLOW gloves on and he had STUBBLE AND A TATTOO ON NECK. It was amazing to see so many clues come together but he insisted that he was fine and had no need for prayer at the moment. I thanked him for his time and moved on.
Here is what happened with Andrew, Laura & Collete:
- They approached 2 ladies in a bus stop after noticing that one had marks on her arm that looked like she had been SELF HARMING. They spoke with the 2 ladies for about an hour, discovering stories of terrible abuse, broken families, addictions and many other problems. They had 4 Names that were all on the treasure map, they also had many other clues that indicated that God was pointing this lady out. That He knows her and her situation. Andrew was praying for Laura and Collete as they brought this lady into the Kingdom - She gave her life to Jesus!!! - AMAZING!!! It was so humbling to meet with them in the bus stop as we returned to our car and see and hear what had been happening during their time together. God truly is sovereign and moving in amazing ways. We have given the lady our details and just hope and pray that she will keep in touch with us and walk into a full relationship with Christ leaving behind her troubles and demons from the past.
Today for me personally was the most encouraging time I have had out on the streets. Our team is steadily growing and we seem to be becoming more proficient and accurate in receiving and handling the clues that God gives us through His Holy Spirit. To see someone come into an understanding and acceptance of Christ in their life is a beautiful thing - Praise God.
Happy Hunting!
Gordon Watson - Medway Family Church :-)