Wednesday, 1 October 2008

So what is a Treasure Hunt???

Treasure Hunting is finding Gods treasure that He has hidden in some really special places!

It's stepping out to take the love of God onto the streets, into the parks, shopping centres and peoples homes, with the only agenda being to display God's love!

I really feel that everybody in this world is just one encounter away from their life being changed forever. God loves all of His children and desires to meet all their needs and to manifest His power and glory to them so that they will sit up, take notice and come into an understanding of His Son who paid the price for all sins and encounter His Fathers heart that is not angry or distant but perfect, compassionate and abounding in love.

The model for the treasure hunt is this:
We meet up, get into God's presence and get filled with Holy Spirit. We then seek Him for roughly 3 minutes to give us clues in 5 different areas. These come in the forms of words of knowledge and pictures, all of which we note down on a piece of paper that becomes our treasure map.

The 5 areas are:

1 - Location
2 - Names
3 - Appearance
4 - Prayer Needs
5 - The Unusual

Once the maps are assembled the team then splits into smaller groups of 2-3 people and each group compares maps amongst it's members. They then decide where they feel the map is pointing them to and off we go, out into the community to spread the love of God accompanied with signs and wonders.

I've had the pleasure of speaking to bundles of people in this ministry. Many have been visibly shaken by God, some have been healed and pretty much most have gone away with a bigger smile on their face and deeper sense of joy than before their encounter.

We don't go out trying to convert people, to 'sell' them God or argue them into the Kingdom (if someone can be argued into something they can certainly be argued out of it!) - We just go out brimming over with the love of God and ask Him to do the rest - It is truly amazing to see Him set us up time after time to impact people through the pictures and words He reveals to us.

Remember - Without God it's just form without power!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, think I'll be doing some of this, done a little bit over the summer but time to use this tool some more. Thanks for the post.
