We met up this morning at MFC for what was my 3rd treasure hunt this week! - There was Natalie (my wife), Helena, Damian, Andrew, and myself.
After an amazing time of coming into Gods presence we decided to split into 2 teams. I went with Natalie (it was her first ever treasure hunt!) and the other 3 guys made up a team.
Natalie and myself headed off to the Esplanade in Rochester - Below are 3 highlights of our time on the streets.
The 1st person we met was on crutches. He was next to a LAMPPOST next to the RIVER. I asked him if his ailment was from a BIKE INJURY but he said it wasn't. He had a HIP PROBLEM!!! He had a hip replacement at Medway Hospital but his body had rejected the implant and that's why he was on crutches. Natalie and I prayed for peace and joy to come upon him, for healing and for the pain and discomfort to go in Jesus name - There was no immediate sign of improvement but we left him knowing that it had been a Divine appointment.
The second person was a man sitting on a bench reading in the grounds of Rochester CASTLE. He was wearing a BLUE SHIRT and also BROWN SHOES. I approached and explained our treasure hunt. Natalie noticed the book he was reading was 'Conversations With God'. He responded really well to our offer for prayer and asked if we would uphold his friend who is suffering with M.S. and it is getting worse. He asked if we would pray as we went and encouraged us to enjoy our time!
The last main encouragement was as we were bringing our time to a close. We walked down to the steep park by the old church where there are TALL TREES and also a RED BOX (a post box - I also had POST OFFICE) - A lady walked past us and as we turned around after a few minutes there she was again stopped at the post box posting a letter. We both felt she was the one God was leading us to. As we approached her I really felt led to initiate our conversation with the opening line "Do you believe in God?" So I did, and she replied "Of course!" She stood wide eyed as I explained what we were doing and that we felt she was our treasure. She asked us to pray for her elderly friend who has just been diagnosed with kidney cancer - Natalie was really moved by this encounter - It was a real blessing to see how God had us working together towards finding this lady!
Natalie was encouraged and I think will be more confident next time to instigate conversations herself. She had many clues along the way that lead us to specific places which was a huge encouragement to her and to me!
I'm really excited by the new ground we are breaking into. I'm also frustrated at not seeing any immediate healing but God is so good and so faithful. I trust Him with each and every one of the people we have met - We may not be reaping the harvest visibly at the moment but we are certainly sowing seeds and watering existing plants!
Happy Hunting!
Gordon Watson
Medway Family Church
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