We had the great pleasure of seeing Treasure Hunt teams from across Kent all descend upon Gravesend for a morning of seeing the presence of God move in the local community for NKCC.
We met at Emmanuel Baptist Church (it was great that they loaned us their building!) in the morning and had a time of testimony and worship (led excellently by Dave Webster) before splitting into teams and getting our clues.
There were around 20 people spread across 6 teams and every team went out and most came back encouraged with testimonies of how they had found clues and found treasure.
One team approached a lady who matched several clues and said to her "God wants to do something amazing for you today" - The lady immediately responded, whilst choking back tears. Recently her experience of life had been really difficult with death and illness running through her family and effecting her in many different ways. The team encouraged her and prayed for her and left her with a massive hug and a beaming smile - God is good!
Really looking forward to the next hunt this coming Saturday at MFC - More Lord!
Happy hunting!
Gordon Watson
Medway Family Church
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